Aperture Data Studio 2.11.12

AdrianW Adrian Experian Cumbria, UK admin

This release contains 2-click profiling, plus some UX improvements, bug fixes and security updates.

Default Profile output

It is now possible to select one of your Profile definitions as the default for the Space (or all Spaces if created in the System Space). The default output columns will be automatically selected when Profiling data.


Two-click Profiling

Right-click on any Dataset or View then click the new Profile option, which will show Profile results (using your default profile output) for all columns in the data making it quicker and easier to understand the structure, consistency, uniformity and completeness of the data.

Compare step settings

Now able to select which columns need to be included when comparing two datasets.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Workflow steps using optional Workflow parameters can now be reset back to null/undefined
  • Compare Functions were not allowing values to be easily removed
  • Issue exporting very large numeric values
  • Consumer users were unable to view custom profiled data

Known issues

Nothing new reported since v2.11

Download links https://docs.experianaperture.io/data-quality/aperture-data-studio-v2/get-started/create-a-workflow/#compare

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