Cleveland Police

AdrianW Adrian Experian Cumbria, UK admin
edited September 2023 in Case Studies

Cleveland Police partner with Experian to support positive policing and to drive large finiancial savings

Experian help Cleveland police achieve a golden nominal record with projected project savings of £250,000

Supporting positive policing


Convinced that having a golden view of data held on individuals and locations will drive large financial savings and increased positive policing outcomes, this pioneering project sees Experian Data Quality partner with Cleveland Police to deliver a solution that has been championed by Superintendent Alastair Simpson and the Force Data Protection Manager Maria Hopper.

As budgets become tighter, forces are being challenged to find more efficiency in every aspect of policing, without compromising on outcomes. This project is projected to not only save £250,000 per annum but also add valuable insight to every interaction with customers and investigations.

As a first of its kind, the project has been recognised at national level, gaining approval from the Home Office for co-funding from its innovation budget.


A combination of data collected under pressing timescales within command and control, challenging circumstances out in the field and a customer base that commonly provide erroneous data has resulted in duplication of individuals across the Force’s systems.

The consequences of this are two-fold:

Operational: Duplicate records present difficulties to those using the system to find accurate information quickly in order to respond in the most appropriate, informed way.

Efficiency: A high level of time and resource is involved in manually linking and managing duplicate records within in the system and delivering on MOPI regulatory requirements.


Experian’s solution provides a true golden nominal at the front end which is updated daily to prevent poor data quality and duplication.

It meets requirements in 3 key areas:

Cleaning and matching existing data: Automated maintenance of the golden nominal using Experian verified reference data is provided via intelligent, reversible matching rules.

Accessibility to the golden nominal at the front end: Visibility of the golden nominal to all users at point of entry offers increased intelligence for deployment of resources and reduced data entry time.

More flexible business reporting: Increased access to reporting offers intelligence for better deployment of resources and delivery on MOPI legislation requirements.

Projected outcomes

Cleveland expect a projected:

  • 20% minimum reduction in duplicate accounts at input stage
  • Efficiency savings in excess of £250k per year through reduction in time spent inputting, processing, reviewing and amending data.
  • Greater ability to identify vulnerable people at the point of

“ This solution offers Cleveland Police a clear opportunity to deliver tangible benefits. Operationally we’ll be able to drive real efficiencies and also provide an even better response in terms of speed, efficiency and appropriateness. Importantly however, having improved confidence in our data allows us to deliver real benefits to the community because with better insight comes better decision making on how we allocate the right resource where it’s really needed.

The importance of this system cannot be underestimated as there are mission- critical aspects to this work. For health and safety reasons, it is vital to get the engineer to the right address as quickly as possible, and address capture for SAP helps us to do this.”

— Maria Hopper, Data Protection Manager, Cleveland Police

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