Challenge 1 - Gender Title Mismatch Detection

AdrianW Adrian Experian Cumbria, UK admin

This first challenge is concerned with identifying records that are displaying inconsistent information. The dataset (attached) for this challenge shows title, forename, surname and gender information and your challenge is to identify records where titles and gender fields provide conflicting information (e.g. Title is 'Mister' but Gender is 'Female').

This dataset contains nearly 100k records, so finding the records that are impacted by this inconsistency could be like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

When you've figured it out, please post your solution here.

Your solution should include a screenshot (or a video walk-through) of your solution including the summary of the number of records found with conflicting information. Please also include the .dmx file containing your solution and a brief description of the approach you took.

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